form type | description |
Deferment | Deferment allows you to suspend payment of your loan for a specific period of time without the accrual of interest. To see your available deferment options, visit the Loan Type page for your loan. |
Economic Hardship or Forbearance | If you are experiencing recent unemployment or other temporary financial hardship, forbearance allows you to suspend payment of your loan principal for up to 12 months. Interest will continue to accrue throughout the deferment period. |
Perkins and NDSL Loan Cancellation | Employment after graduation in certain professions or organizations may allow partial or full cancellation of NDSL and Perkins loans. To see your available cancellation options, visit the Loan Type page for your loan. |
Perkins Military Deferment | For Federal Perkins loans first disbursed on or after July 1, 2001. |
Primary Care Loan Post-Residency Certification | Certifies that Primary Care Loan recipients are practicing primary health care in accordance with the terms of the loan. |